
Welcome to this site, which was created as a class project by students in New Media Writing at Emory University in Fall 2017.

We are intrigued by the raw data presented on the role of colleges with regard to social mobility in the United States by the Equality of Opportunity Project. We read Dylan Matthews’ analysis “These colleges are better than Harvard at making poor kids rich” in Vox and spent some time with the data visualizations by Gregor Aisch, Larry Buchanan, Amanda Cox and Kevin Quealy in the New York Times “Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60. Find Yours.

However, there were few really clearcut patterns presented by this data. Our task was, in the space of the final few weeks of the semester, to analyze the raw data ourselves using Tableau and other tools and to create this website as a first step towards mediating between the complex research resources presented by the Equality of Opportunity Project and a more general audience.

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