Week Date Assignment Writing due
1  8/23 First day of class — introductions
2  8/29 Domain purchased, class subdomain installed Sketch 1: Avatar
 8/31 Net Smart, chapter 1

Writing Online intro

Podcasts episode signups

3  9/4 Sketch 2: Combophotos
 9/5 Henry Jenkins, “‘Worship at the Altar of Convergence’: A New Paradigm for Understanding Media Change” from Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. (Emory course reserve link) Technology Literacy Narrative
 9/7 Guest: Charlie Bennett Podcast planning session

Supercontext. Scroll through the front page of episodes and just try to get a sense of the sorts of things they do in Supercontext. Then listen to episode 55 David Lapham’s Stray Bullets.

Also listen to Episode 1 of The Web We Weave, “FiveThirtyEight.”

And Backstory “FIRST DRAFT 8.18: CHARLOTTESVILLE: OUR TOWN, OUR COUNTRY” [Edit: Consider this one optional]

4  9/11 Sketch 3: Podcast graphics
 9/12 Glen Creeber, “Theorizing New Media” from Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, edited by Glen Creeber and Royston Martin. (Emory course reserve link)
 9/14 Henry Jenkins “Why Media Spreads” from Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, and Joshua Green. (Emory course reserve link)
5  9/18 [Begin collecting data for Sketch 6 data viz assignment] Sketch 4: Triptych
 9/19 Podcast graphics & intro, data gathering, Creative Commons,
 9/21 Writing Online, chpt 1 “Hello World”
 9/22 Podcasts 1 & 2
 6  9/25 Sketch 5: Music Mix
 9/26 Guest: Katie Rawson

Dylan Matthews in Vox “These colleges are better than Harvard at making poor kids rich

Gregor Aisch, Larry Buchanan, Amanda Cox and Kevin Quealy in NYT “Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent than the Bottom 60. Find Yours.”

Visual Analysis Best Practices: Simple Techniques for Making Every Data Visualization Useful and Beautiful” Tableau white paper.

 9/28 Nicholas Carr “Is Google Making Us Stupid?
 9/29 Podcasts 3 & 4
 7  10/2 [Rip a movie to MPEG in preparation for Sketch 7 movie montage assignment] Sketch 6: Data viz from everyday life
 10/3 Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck excerpt
 10/5 Writing Online chpt 2 “Digital Rhetoric”
 10/6 Podcasts 5 & 6
 8  10/10 <strong>No class: Fall break</strong>
 10/12 Steven Johnson Everything Bad is Good for You excerpt (Intro & “Television”)


 10/13 Podcasts 7 & 8
 9  10/16  Shoot or select video for Sketch 9 cinemagraph assignment. Sketch 7: Movie Montage
 10/17 Rolin Moe, “All I Know Is What’s on the Internet
 10/19 Writing Online chpt 3
 10/20 Podcasts 9 & 10
 10  10/23 Sketch 8: Gantt Chart
 10/24 Factcheck.org “How to spot fake news” & NYT: “Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: ‘This Is All About Income’”
 10/26 Sarah Hendren “All Technology Is Assistive: Six design rules on ‘disability’

Screen reader demo

WebAIM & test your own site with Web accessibility evaluation tool: WAVE

 10/27 Podcasts 11 & 12
 11  10/30 Sketch 9: Cinemagraph
 10/31 Anil Dash “The Web We Lost

Ian Bogost “Why Nothing Works Anymore: Technology has its own purposes

 11/2 Writing Online chpt 4
 11/3 Podcasts 13 & 14
 12  11/6 Sketch 10: Visual Note Taking
 11/7 Ian Bogost “A Googler’s Would-Be Manifesto Reveals Tech’s Rotten Core.” Josh Marshall “A Serf on Google’s Farm” & “What’s Apple Up To?
 11/9 Writing Online chpt 5
 11/10 Podcasts 15 & 16
 13  11/13 Sketch 11: Recreate a Movie Scene
 11/17 Podcasts 17 & 18
 14  11/20 Sketch 12: A Human Document
 11/23 <strong>No class: Thanksgiving</strong>
 15  11/27 Sketch 13: 256 Points
 16  12/4 Sketch 14: Assemblies
 12/13 Final exam period

3:00 – 5:30 pm

Final portfolio

This schedule is subject to change.