The numeral 6

Week Ahead

6  9/25 Sketch 5: Music Mix

Have a /code/ subfolder in your class subdomain created and load a basic landing page with index.html and style.css files.

 9/26 Guest: Katie Rawson

Dylan Matthews in Vox “These colleges are better than Harvard at making poor kids rich

Gregor Aisch, Larry Buchanan, Amanda Cox and Kevin Quealy in NYT “Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent than the Bottom 60. Find Yours.”

Visual Analysis Best Practices: Simple Techniques for Making Every Data Visualization Useful and Beautiful” Tableau white paper.

 9/28 Nicholas Carr “Is Google Making Us Stupid?
 9/29 Podcasts 3 & 4
 7  10/2 [Rip a movie to MPEG in preparation for Sketch 7 movie montage assignment] Sketch 6: Data viz from everyday life

If you’re still having difficulties with the basic landing page, don’t panic. Do your best to troubleshoot it yourself with Pullman’s text, or email me with questions. If I can’t help you over email, we’ll talk in person soon.

There’s a conference sign up sheet available in the shared Google folder. Find an available time slot that works for you and add your name to reserve a spot. If there are no times possible for you, let me know and I’ll see what I can arrange (though probably my first suggestion will be that we meet early next week).

The first two podcast episodes are now live! I added a link to the menu up above for the series and the series is now validated at iTunes, though it might take as long as two more days before listeners will be able to find and subscribe to it. Once it is fully available, the iTunes link for the podcast will be here. Please listen to the first two episodes and be ready to discuss them Tuesday or Thursday in class.

On Tuesday, Katie Rawson is joining us to discuss data gathering. Bring whatever data from your everyday life you’ve collected so far and be prepared to spend some time workshopping with her about how to get that data ready to be analyzed and visualized. If you can manage to do so, go ahead and install Tableau before class tomorrow. I’ve posted simple instructions and your activation key in the backchannel. If you don’t get this message in time to install the software, then install it soon.

We’ll also spend time in class on Tuesday beginning our discussion of the Equality of Opportunity project assignment, so do read the Vox article and spend at least a few minutes playing around with the interactive NYT tables.

On Thursday, we’ll look Nicholas Carr’s famous article and we’ll also pause to analyze the work you’ve published so far and discuss the patterns that you see in that work. I’ll also provide instructions about the next sketch assignment, in which each of you will collapse a feature film into a single montage image. In order to complete that assignment, you’ll each need an MPEG file for a feature film — assuming you don’t already have MPEG files, I’ll provide instructions on how to rip files from a DVD using machines and software available in the library. You can check DVDs out of the Media Library if you don’t own one that you want to use, but be thinking about what movie you’d like to rip.

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