Ian Bogost was a humorous and inspirational lecturer. He showed us many ridiculous examples of how humans combined technology with everyday tools in an ineffective fashion. One manufacturer, for instance, devised a toaster that help people toast breads…
Reflection: Same Day and Other Photologues
Same Day is an experimental program that inventively combined narrative with photography. The three artists addressed their stories through lecturing while displaying photographs on the screen. What drew my attention was the first artist, Michael David…
Reflection: Same Day and Other Photologues
Same Day is an experimental program that inventively combined narrative with photography. The three artists addressed their stories through lecturing while displaying photographs on the screen. What drew my attention was the first artist, Michael David…
Same Day and Other Photologues: An experimental program of narrative and photography
A couple of minutes ago, I received a notification of an event taking place tonight in White Hall that might be of interest to some of you. From what I can gather through Arts at Emory, this is an artists talk by a couple of people doing work that combine ...