A Guide to New Media Writing

Image Credit: Jessekoeckhoven Image Credit: Dave Pape When I first completed this Assemblies assignment. I tried to create a table using Microsoft Word. When I pasted the table into WordPress, however, my images were deleted,the solid lines became dashed, and the text for each box in the table moved to the middle, rather than the more

Netflix Podcast Reflection

The Netflix And Binge Watching podcast is my most informal podcast. Other podcasts had a full or partial script, but for this podcast, Spenser, the podcast’s producer, and I only used an outline. The outline consisted of four parts, one for each part of our podcast. The podcast started with a general overview of how more

Stocks, Bonds, and Creative Drawings

The Visual Note Taking Assignment has been the most unique assignment I have completed for my new media writing class. I had the opportunity to turn a bland, straight-forward lecture into something original. The lecture was on the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that “stock prices correctly measure the firms future earnings and dividends and …

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