Check out the latest Daily Shouts column in the New Yorker: "Would You Like to Sit on My Bed with Me and Check Twitter?" by Ross Barkan. I know, I know, it’s one thing to listen to Coltrane while checking Twitter on your own bed, alone, and it’s another t ...
Best-selling author Thomas E. Ricks has an interesting recent essay in The Altantic, "The Book He wasn't Supposed to Write," about the revision process he went through with his editor, Scott Moyers, as he worked on his newest book. I'm not sure that al ...
Links are for humans; URLs are for computers
URLs are for computers. They are specific addresses that tell the web browser where to go to fetch data and show it to you in one form or another. The URL for the FAQ page on this site is The URL ...
Week Ahead: 2
2 8/29 Domain purchased, class subdomain installed Sketch 1: Avatar 8/31 Net Smart, chapter 1 "Attention! Why and How to Control Your Mind’s Most Powerful Instrument" (Emory library link) Writing Online intro Podcasts episode sign ...
First day of class!
First day writing exercise Take a look at the Mozilla “framework for entry-level web literacy & 21st Century skills” linked to in the first entry under our key terms, and reproduced as an image below. The Mozilla map is interactive, so spend a bit o ...
Welcome to New Media Writing
Your homework to complete before we meet again on Thursday: Read over this website very carefully as it constitutes the syllabus for this course. Note that the Syllabus page includes a number of subpages, covering such topics as: how to contact me; t ...
Registering Your Domain & Installing WordPress
Primary Domain If you don’t already have server space and a domain name for yourself, then go to Reclaim Hosting, sign up for a Student Account, and register a domain name. You will need to pay $30 for the the year. Please do note that your domain nam ...
On choosing a domain name
You are not purchasing a web site! You are registering a domain name and server space, upon which you can build many other web sites, amongst other things. Therefore, you need a domain name that will continue to work for you after this semester is fin ...