Music Mix: Center of Attention

Click here to view my studying playlist, Center of Attention. Midterm season is upon us. That means the libraries are crowded and tensions are running high. People are pushing their brains to the limit, stress-eating, and staying up late. More importantly, people are getting sick. Sitting in the library, I cannot finish a single sentence …

Sketch 5: Music Mix

For my music mix, I wanted to create an empowering playlist for exercising to encourage myself and other women to continue working out and getting stronger and healthier. I included songs from various artists that had messages of loving yourself and your body like “Confident” by Demi Lovato, as well as messages of female empowerment […]


This is a running mixtape that’s meant to capture what I experience when I’m on a solo run. I’m not a particularly fast or competitive runner. I run because it’s a fulfilling meditative experience for me. It gives me a break from reality and motivates me to focus my thoughts on something other than all of […]

Music Mix – A Glance Into The Anime World

Welcome to my music mix A Glance Into The Anime World. We will explore the fascinating anime realm through various theme songs and soundtracks. Eventually we will see how music played an indelible role in anime in forming a complete effect for the audience. We will also see how anime songs challenged the authority of “high arts”. For those who are not familiar with this field, my music mix abides by three rules which will help you gradually adapt to the context: Most songs are partly sung in English. There are songs sung in German, and songs of which the lyrics …

Photo of a music mixing board

Music Mix

Due: 9/25 This week, I want you to think about using audio for particular rhetorical situations by creating a mix playlist with a group of songs.  Rules (all of which are breakable, if you have a good justification for why): I usually think of a m ...